WEEKEND SPECIAL>>>The Youths! The Backbone! The Menace! | UNN GATE


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Friday 19 May 2017

WEEKEND SPECIAL>>>The Youths! The Backbone! The Menace!

The Youth's!
The Backbone!
The Menace!

By: Habib Korede Jimoh

Following the chronicle of Nigeria; the Youth's, lately have always been a tool used by the Elites to satisfy their avariciousness. Majority of the youths have lacked Focus on their goals in life. Youth's have and always been the Secret to the development of a Nation; sadly the Nigerian Youths lack the idea that they possess the power to transform the saddening condition of the Nation to a Much anticipated state. When the mind of the Youths is sound, definitely, the elites have no choice than to work in proportion to the needs and basic requirements of the People. Here in our Country, the Youths have
lose their value a result of their self-centered and gluttonous habit. It's obvious that Nigeria as a Nation has no Future considering the mindset and body language of her youths. A careful analysis of the character displayed by the so called Youth's leaders disguising in the name of Comrades is so pathetic that keeps one wondering if we really have future in this country...

Undoubtedly, having known that I'm a youth who have worked closely with other youth leaders, a determined individual will definitely feel nausea of the corruptive mindset and focusless acts of the Nigerian Youths. Unarguably, there are fewer Youths with strong zeal and mission to revitalize the worsening state of our country, but this youth's efforts to revamp the condition of the Country has no standing point because their mindset and the mindset of the other youths are in disproportionality. Citing the likes of some formerly celebrated youth leaders who betrayed the trust of the youths, the likes of Dimeji Bankole, Dino Melaye to mention but few...
However, not all youths are rooted with greed; definitely, there are some who are sincere and determined towards ensuring that Nigeria get to the Promise land. Though, majority of Nigerian Youths are Self Centered, from my perspective, a result of my careful Permutations and in-depth analysis. I don't think Nigerian Youths are ready to accept the challenge that Nigeria has a long way to go. Following the antecedence happening at the higher institution. Even though, undoubtedly, higher institution is a society where you find youths to be in majority. Sadly, these youths who are referred to as "the leaders of tomorrow" exhibit a blameworthy character at the campus politics, starting from the Departmental Association, the Faculty Association up to the Student Union Government and the so called NANS and other deceitful youth forums among others. One only finds out that majority of these (so called Comrades) have no intent to protect the interest and welfare of their fellow Colleagues. They are just there to satisfy their Selfish Interest. In fact, the level of Selfishness of the Nigerian Youths is so high that one only wonders if Nigeria has a Future in the hands of these focusless youths...

There is this Bill that has been Viral for a while, the "Not too Young to Run Bill". Sincerely, this bill should not see the light of the day, not until the youths of this Nation amend their ways and wake up from their slumber to realize that Nigeria is and has been in mess afore time, the body language of the majority of the youths of this Country leaves one with the question: when will Nigeria Youths Stop Sleepwalking?

Logically, for an effective Governance to hold in this Country, there must be a mix ratio of Determined Youths and Selfless Elites. The Problems we are facing in this Country is intertwined to the fact that there is a dense governance by the elites without considering to work along with some determined, yet Sincere Youths.
2019 is approaching. My thought, we shouldn't be blind enough to vote in only the youths to govern the affairs of this Nation, neither should we give our total Solidarity to the old elites. A proportion of Selfless and Determined Youths and old Elites say: 3:4 will definitely set Nigeria to the Promising direction. A Nigeria without good leaders is just like a ship without good captain, which eventually will navigate the ship to the wrong direction. However, "the youths are the backbone of a Nation. But if the youths have lost their worth and values, they become the menace of that Nation."

My Stance: "Believing in the Capacity of the dense Focusless Youths to lead and control the affairs of this Nation, is in similitude of entrusting a Sheep in the Hands of Tigers..."
May God Have Mercy on Nigerian Youths.
May God Bless Federal Republic of Nigeria.
Nigeria, my Country, My Pride.

By: Habib Korede Jimoh
Undergraduate Civil Engineering Student of Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University.

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