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Monday, 23 October 2017



University of Nigeria has been selected to Host 2017/18 local edition of Hult Prize as students answer the United Nations Challenge: “TRANSFORM: Harnessing the Power of Energy to Transform the Lives of 10 Million.

Justice Kalu, the Campus Director recently announced that University has been selected to host a local edition of the Hult Prize, the world’s largest student competition for the creation of new social businesses. The annual Hult Prize awards ONE MILLION DOLLARS in start-up funding to the team of students that develops the most radical and breakthrough idea to solve one of our world’s toughest social challenges.

“It’s not every day that you have an opportunity to change the world. A team of you will be representing all of us at the upcoming Hult Prize Regional Finals in March, 2018. This is our chance to show the world that our institution is dedicated to Impact. We believe that the next idea that will change the world can come from anywhere, so, we encourage every student from University of Nigeria to participate regardless of their program. Although your team will pitch a business idea, you do not need one to register; our team of social entrepreneurs will guide you through your social entrepreneurship idea generation and development process. Don’t miss the opportunity to be the million-dollar idea that will change the world. Therefore, we welcome anyone who want to change the world to join this movement for social impact as it is another opportunity to restore the dignity of man!” – Justice Kalu, Campus Director.

The winner of the intra-campus event will automatically advance to compete in one of fifteen regional finals happening around the world. One winning team from each host city will then move onto a summer business incubator, where participants will receive mentorship, advisory and strategic planning as they create prototypes and set-up to launch their new social business. A final round of competition will be hosted in September, 2018, where the winning team to be awarded the $1.000.000 prize.

“How would you change the world with 1 Million dollars? The Hult Prize is a wonderful example of the creative cooperation needed to build a world with shared opportunity, shared responsibility, and shared prosperity, and each year I look forward to seeing the many outstanding ideas the competition produces,” Clinton has stated.

Hult Prize at University of Nigeria is now recruiting volunteers and teams who are interested in registering for the competition.

Eligibility: Undergraduate and Post-graduate (Masters and PhD) students are eligible to apply for the competition. Students are required to form a team of 3 or 4 individuals and register on Hult Prize @ University of Nigeria website Students are also advised to download the 2018 Hult Prize Challenge guide on the website, this guide has the full details of what is required of teams in this year’s Hult Prize Competition.

Registration Deadline: 20th November, 2017.
Date of Main Event: 9th December, 2017
Venue: Princess Alexandra Auditorium.
To learn more, contact:
Campus Director: +2348163736036 (Call/Whatsapp)
Hult Prize @ UNN website:
Hult Prize on Campus website:
Hult Prize Foundation website:

UNN GATE © 2017

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